Home > Uncategorized > Why does everyone in Delaware hate Delaware?

Why does everyone in Delaware hate Delaware?

Ok, So im at work and this lady comes up to me and begins talking to me about total fuckery. Im just like damn, I try not to be a total dickhead…. I mean…not too many people enjoy working im one of them thats just how it is. So Me, Im just like wow….ok…. staring at this old black lady just stuffing these nasty peanut butter and chocolate truffles in her face and shes ranting on about how nice Delaware is yadda yadda im trying not be rude cause shit.. Im off the clock now im gone and as I walk shes walking with me so at this point I feel forced to engaged in small talk. Where are you from? I Hate New York (::New York hates you too BITCH!!!::) You live near Philly now huh? I Cant stand me some Philly? (::Foreal must you talk like that?::)  From there she goes on about how perfect Delaware is, there arent any disgusting people, People say Hi in the morning, You dont have to be watchful when you out and about. So I thought to myself…(Self: Perhaps she lives in a gated communit) cause she made Delaware sound like Heaven and it sure as hell aint. I figured maybe its just because she is infact older in age so our expectations of what nice and what life should be like are going to be different. Shit cause I know I asked around got a handful of opinions before hand I ended up with the same conclusion it just sucks. Everyone that walks past looks lifeless and heartbroken like someone put a bomb in there coffee  IDk What it is, maybe its because the License plates look so damn similar to them municipal shits or cause everyone has to basically lie to themselves and support a team that dosent have there states name attached. Like dont get me wrong its the first state and all the beaches are pretty cool and the no taxes thing comes in handy, but it just cant shake that red headed stepchild vibe floating through it. Bottomline Its boring and theres Nothing to do ,Delaware Crushes souls Maryland or Pennsylvania needs to adopt this state ASAP.

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